: In 2020 President Biden saved democracy by defeating Trump. Now he is continuing to save democracy …

: A deer in my back yard.

: Once again the Supreme Court reminds us why we need to keep Trump out of office.

: iOS Home Screen Personalization and Alternate Icons iOS 18 lets each app supply a light mode, dark mode, and tinted version of its icon. iOS also allows …

: I am excited about text entry suggestions in AppKit.

: CocoaHeads Boston will meet via Zoom tomorrow (Thursday) evening at 7:00 PM Boston time. New …

: Preparing for the macOS Beta As soon as the new beta of macOS is out, I want to install it and use it as much as possible. But I …

: Noah Martin is organizing a WWDC keynote viewing event at Shy Bird in South Boston.

: Guilty on all counts. ⚖️

: Interesting Bug Pertaining to NSTableView and Context Menus I am seeing what I believe to be an interesting bug on macOS 14.5 (23F79). If you have an …

: I won a copy of @patrickrhone’s book For You at Micro Camp (@camp). Thank you to Patrick and to the …

: Congratulations to Joe Fabisevich on the launch of Plinky. Plinky is a wonderful app for saving, …

: NSHappyHour will meet at The Lobster Shanty in Salem MA at 6:30 PM Wednesday. New folks are always …

: This does not look ideal. I reported it to the electric company.

: NSHappyHour meets tonight at Bit Bar in Salem MA at 6:30 PM. New folks are always welcome. Thanks to …

: I failed at Wordle two days in a row. Not April Fools, unfortunately. 🤦‍♂️

: Saving to Safari Reading List Unread lets a user save articles and links directly to Safari Reading List, without going through …

: Sharing via Email on macOS On iOS Unread has a Mail Content article action. This lets customers quickly compose an email with …

: The Supreme Court must really be backlogged if they cannot hear the presidential immunity case until …

: Voting FTW.

: At this evening’s CocoaHeads Boston meeting on Zoom, Ed Arenberg will discuss his experiences …

: NSHappyHour meets at Bit Bar in Salem MA tonight at 6:30. New participants are always welcome. …

: I am excited to see that Castro is in good hands again.

: Congratulations to @danielpunkass on the release his crossword-solving app Black Ink for iOS..

: A 30-day streak.

: NSHappyHour is at the Lobster Shanty in Salem, MA at 6:30 PM tonight. New folks are always welcome. …

: I made an early beta version of Unread for macOS available. Details at: …

: I like @incanus@mastodon.social’s idea of Repurposing Hugo as a wiki. I have a bunch of loose …

: CocoaHeads Boston will meet Thursday evening via Zoom at 7:00 PM Boston time. New participants and …

: Congratulations to the winners and runners-up of MacStories Selects awards.

: NSHappyHour meets at the Lobster Shanty in Salem, MA, at 6:30 tonight. New participants are always …

: A huge new feature for MarsEdit: Mastodon support. Congratulations to @danielpunkass. MarsEdit 5.1: …

: Happy Thanksgiving! youtu.be/Q0UVPHbYo…

: I am now posting to my blog, and automatically cross-posting to Mastodon. The best way to follow or …

: I just had a new furnace and water heater installed. The old furnace was 29 years old, the old water …

: Search Suggestion Menus in AppKit I recently implemented a search suggestions menu on macOS for Unread. Even though Safari, Mail, and …

: We have a great agenda for this evening’s CocoaHeads Boston meeting via Zoom. Conall McCabe will …

: I helped my city perform a recount yesterday. It is fun to participate in the process.

: My glass shower door (which has probably been in place for 29 years) spontaneously shattered earlier …

: Tonight’s online CocoaHeads meeting will include a presentation on Skip, an Xcode plugin that …

: Election I was also a precinct clerk, but we don’t get stickers for that. 🤣 We had a preliminary election for …

: I filed an FB a few days ago regarding the need for an API that does not exist on macOS. Apple …

: Chime is a polished text editor for the Mac with support for several programming languages and an …

: A bird wandering around an indoor train station.

: A fourth indictment. I am starting to suspect Trump might be guilty of some of the crimes we watched …

: CocoaHeads Boston will meet in person next Tuesday, August 22, at Cambridge Brewing Company. New …

: macOS Bug: Toolbar Images Based on SF Symbols Are Vertically Stretched When Displayed on a 1x Display Toolbar images based on SF Symbols are vertically stretched when displayed on a 1x display. I filed …

: I have not taken a test yet, but I am pretty sure I have COVID. Not a fan.

: March 2023: No former President has ever been indicted before. No one knows what to expect. August …

: I sometimes have to remind myself that I have very rarely regretted a decision to reduce scope of an …

: Exciting day. I bought a car, although I don’t have it yet. And I had the fire department at …

: I am in the process of trying to buy a used car, and I am exasperated by the communication skills of …

: Customer Satisfaction Survey: Are you likely to recommend us to others? If not, why? Me: No, …

: I went to WaterFire tonight in Providence, Rhode Island.

: Congratulations to @harshil@mastodon.social on the launch of Peak, an app that lets you build your …

: I finally got a chance to check out Polar Park.

: Zev Eisenberg: Learn Swift Boston has a special guest presentation slated for August. That’s over a …

: App Store Connect: Inability to Process Builds of a Mac App Compiled and Uploaded With Xcode 14.3.1 or Xcode 15 I spent the last three days troubleshooting an issue submitting a Mac app to App Store Connect. The …

: At the New Hampshire Fisher Cats game.

: Widgets and Content Margins If you have an app with widgets, be sure to check how the widgets look after compiling with Xcode …

: Seen while out walking.

: App: You are not letting me send notifications to your device. Me: Correct.

: He was indicted again. ⚖️

: I had a great Design Lab session with Apple earlier today. My app will be better because of their …

: My trusty iPhone X will not run iOS 17, so I got an iPhone 13 mini. I really like the physical size …

: Looks like the prop 2 1/2 override passed! @mitch www.facebook.com/100067533…

: We had a special election in my city today. It was a proposition 2 1/2 override (a quirky …

: Merged a pull request with three weeks’ worth of work. 🎉

: It’s Saint Patrick’s Day Somewhere.



: Good article by Edward Loveall (edward@indieweb.social): Let’s Make Sure Github Doesn’t Become the …

: CocoaHeads Boston is meeting in-person at Cambridge Brewing Company Tuesday evening. New …

: Wisconsin! 🎉 🇺🇸

: ⚖️

: I know AppKit is showing its age, but it still does a lot really well.

: Odd SwiftUI Bug on macOS This is an odd bug on macOS: Make the main content view a NavigationSplitView: struct ContentView: …

: Snow day.

: Do I know someone who works on Feedburner?

: Thursday evening’s Zoom-based CocoaHeads Boston meeting will include a presentation by …

: I think it’s a great thing, but I am very surprised to learn that ASWebAuthenticationSession honors …

: “I’m too old for this.” – My furnace. The furnace is running fine, but we had -12℉ (-24℃) …

: FYI for anyone who uses Feedly – they announced a 6-hour maintenance window starting at 6am PST …

: I released Unread 3.3 with the ability to create an article from a webpage, a Readwise article …

: It’s a snowy day for a walk, but I’m determined to get my five miles (8km) in.

: At tonight’s online CocoaHeads Boston meeting I am giving a presentation on using alternate app …

: I wrote a blog post about the past year and the year ahead for Unread.

: New year’s resolutions start in a few weeks, right?

: Happy New Year!

: Made cookies. Ate numerous mistakes.

: My power was restored after only about 6 hours. 🎉🎅

: Dear Santa, A 36-hour power outage was not on my wish list this year.

: Always a good feeling when a complex server deployment operation goes smoothly.

: I am excited to see MarsEdit 5 ship. I particularly like its Markdown syntax highlighting and its …

: 🎶 Georgia On My Mind 🎶

: What happens if the Georgia Senate race ends in a tie?

: At this week’s CocoaHeads Boston meeting @fcanas@mastodon.social will present both ScreenSearch and …

: I wish I had brined my turkey, but it came out good. One guest who is a better cook than I (and who …

: It’s done. Earlier than I wanted it to be. I am concerned about the dark skin, but think …

: It’s done. Earlier than I wanted it to be. I am concerned about the dark skin, but think …


: If you follow me here via Mastodon you may not know that I cannot see my list of followers. If you …

: Well, it’s official. One of the issues folks can “debate in a healthy manner, without resorting to …

: I released Unread 3.2 with new custom app icons, a new “Blue on Black theme”, article action …

: It is difficult to see in the photo, but there are two deer — one behind the other.

: I setup a Mastodon server for my business. You can now follow Unread on Mastodon or on Micro.blog. …

: Last evening’s CocoaHeads Boston included a great presentation by @hyperjeff about Physical. …

: CocoaHeads Boston will meet via Zoom tomorrow evening at 7pm Boston time. New participants and …

: Great turnout at my polling location today. Not November 2020 level, but at least 3x the turnout we …

: It’s election day in the US. I am the clerk for a precinct in my city. 🗳️

: I am looking forward to tonight’s NSHappyHour meetup. Join us if you are a local Mac/iOS developer …

: I need to start thinking about a Thanksgiving feast.

: Crazy day: Need to figure out the source of a crash, watch for an important OpenSSL security update, …

: Occasionally I need to follow a link in the footer of a webpage, but I can’t because the webpage …

: Today is the first day of early voting in Massachusetts for the midterms.

: Apps Installed on iPhone 14 Pro via TestFlight Geoff Hackworth: To add more confusion, it seems that iPhone 14 Pro devices running TestFlight …

: It’s election day here in Massachusetts. I am the clerk at a polling location in my city.

: At the New Hampshire Fisher Cats game.

: Early voting FTW.

: I released Unread 3.1 with a Subscribe in Unread share sheet extension.

: My turn for COVID. I felt pretty sick this morning, but I feel ok right now.

: From my back yard:

: Not sure how, but I misplaced a single AirPod. 🤦‍♂️

: Autocorrect changed “wi-fi” to “wi-if”.

: I just released Unread 3.0 with support for Unread Cloud. Unread Cloud is a new syncing and article …

: I have the best walking route.

: Of his many transgressions, Mr. President, let’s not worry about he was drunk during his attempt to …

: A 30-day walking streak.

: Safari Views, Mail Compose Views, and Default App Settings iOS allows any app to present Safari Views and Mail Compose Views. These views are fantastic because …

: Coming Soon to Unread: Standalone Accounts

: I walked to my local post office around 1:30, only to find that my post office is closed between …

: Just posted a first beta of something I have been working on for some time. 🤞

: I reconfigured my ssh configuration to use the new 1Password SSH Agent. It is working well for me so …

: I am helping someone look for a tutor to help a high school student taking a Python class. If you …

: West Wing - .22 caliber mind in a .357 Magnum world

: I have been experimenting with the replication functionality in PostgreSQL in order to maintain warm …

: Irrationally excited to have KN95 respirators.

: Anecdotally, in my area of Massachusetts I see about 50% of folks wearing masks inside stores. I …

: New Home Office My home office tends to get cluttered. I have an annual tradition of thoroughly cleaning it on New …

: A start-of-year status update on Unread: Unread in 2021 and 2022

: I’ve been quiet on micro.blog and on social media in general over the past few months. One of …

: Wishing everyone a healthy and safe 2022. (I deleted an earlier post with a similar sentiment.)

: I am working as a clerk for a voting location in my city today. We are electing a mayor, city …


: Seen while out walking:

: Christian Selig: Amplosion ⚡️ is a simple app with a twist. On iOS 15 as a Safari extension it …

: I just released Unread 2.8 with support for extra large widgets, Quick Notes, and more.

: There is a mayoral primary in my city today. I am working at the polls. If today is election day for …

: Yesterday I launched the Webpage Text API: a cloud service that lets an app or web service request …

: I just released Unread 2.7, an update that improves the experience of reading linked list articles …

: I have a house guest. She does not like looking at the camera.

: At the New Hampshire Fisher Cats game.

: Seen on my morning walk.

: Google Maps has a low quality photo of me on my walking route.

: I filed FB9188387 describing a serious problem with App Store Connect accepting apps compiled by …

: I just release Unread 2.6 with: Full-text search capabilities A compact article list option for …

: WWDC Sessions These are the WWDC sessions I am most eager to watch: Add intelligence to your widgets Focus on …

: At the New Hampshire Fisher Cats game.

: As of today: fully vaccinated. 💉🎉

: I spent the day fixing porch steps. In related news my muscles have announced that I am old.

: I got my second shot today. With mask restrictions being lifted so quickly, I am going to be …

: I got my second shot. 💉

: I got shot #1. 💉

: A sad end to a 115-day streak.

: I bought a ticket to attend this year’s 360|iDev remotely.

: A 100-day streak.

: Congratulations to @brentsimmons and the @NetNewsWire team on the launch of NetNewsWire 6.0 for Mac!

: Sean Harding (@sharding) on Twitter: How I got rejected from Apple’s App Store Small Business …

: Observations About HEY World Observations about HEY World: It provides full-text RSS feeds. It puts feed discovery tags in the …

: I just merged a pull request that represents 6 weeks of work.

: Open to accepting iOS and/or Win32/C/C++ side work… Contact Rob (@fahrni) if you are expanding your …

: New App Launch: Thought Detox for iPhone Congratulations, @AngeloStavrow!

: It’s not a January exception. It’s a President’s party controls 1/3 of the Senate exception.

: Excited to see that Arq 7 was released.

: I released Unread 2.5 with a significantly expanded free tier.

: A Fresh Start Great to see @danielpunkass working full-time on Red Sweater Software products again.

: The new White House website has an RSS feed.

: I love that Joe Biden thanked his predecessors who were there, and then saluted Jimmy Carter. No …

: “Ah, now Biff, I want to make sure that we get two coats of wax this time. Not just one.”

: A 30-day streak.

: Taking the day off.

: Impeached a second time. ⚖️

: Dan Sinker is rebooting impeachment.fyi. The site was a great news source during Trump’s first …

: Mark Zuckerberg: We believe the risks of allowing the President to continue to use our service …

: Barack Obama says it perfectly.

: “It’s time for Republicans to stand up and say this is wrong.” – Republicans who have said nothing …

: Georgia! And only two more weeks of lunacy from Pennsylvania Avenue.

: I will remember 2020 as the year I gained an appreciation for haircuts.

: In what is becoming a tradition for me, I started the new year by tidying and cleaning my office.

: 2020 is over.

: Updates to App Store Review Feed App Store Review Feed is a script that generates JSON feeds of App Store reviews. Apple makes …

: The most recent article in Barack Obama’s RSS feed from Medium contains only the first sentence and …

: I released Unread 2.4 with: Widget Improvements New Context Menu Option Layout Adjustments Messages …

: I didn’t keep up with this year’s Microblogvember challenge, but hopefully next year I …

: Happy Thanksgiving all. 🦃

: I thought he had already pardoned the turkey yesterday.

: Dan Moren at Six Colors: Quick Tip: Enable Touch ID for sudo I just did this, and then used …

: Me last week: Planning to hold off a few weeks or months before installing Big Sur Me tonight: 1.49 …

: I have been seeing mentions of Parler in the past few days and I did not know what it was. I finally …

: Rest in peace, Alex Trebek.

: Hey Siri, call the Four Seasons in Philadelphia.

: A shame that the Four Seasons Landscaping Company front step was unavailable for this event. Also, …

: My hopes have been inflated. But the random word generator is making this a bit too easy. 😁 …

: Joe Biden Succeeds Barack Obama as President of the United States After twelve years, Barack Obama’s time as President has come to an end. President Obama’s third …

: The Washington Post: USPS processed 150,000 ballots after Election Day, jeopardizing thousands of …

: The Washington Post: A North Dakota Republican died of covid-19 in October. He still won his …

: I worked at a polling location yesterday. We had a line out the door for the first two hours. We had …


: 😱

: November 3 is here. Let’s do this, America.

: Many of us are finding it difficult to concentrate. I know the #mbnov words are chosen randomly, but …

: Tuesday’s Election If you are eligible to vote in Tuesday’s election and have not already done so, please do so …

: Many of us are feeling dreary right now, but 🤞 for a good week.

: Nice shot.

: I signed up to call some Florida voters tomorrow.

: Today is the first day of in-person early voting in my city. I voted.

: This debate format is a huge improvement.

: Pod Save America has a new interview with Barack Obama.

: CocoaHeads Boston will meet online Thursday at 7:00 PM Boston time. @mitch will present “A few …

: I hope today’s news results in the other debates taking place with the candidates at different …

: “So much winning, you’ll be tired of winning.”

: This has been such a long year. What do you mean it was only 90 minutes?

: Sticky Widgets Brings Simple Sticky Notes to Your Home Screen — MacStories This is brilliant.

: Congratulations to Nikhil Nigade (@dezinezync) on the release of Elytra 2.0 for iOS and iPadOS. The …

: Congratulations to Rob Fahrni (@fahrni) on the release of Stream, an RSS reader for iOS. Stream …

: From Barack Obama’s Statement on the Passing of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg Barack Obama: Four and a half years ago, when Republicans refused to hold a hearing or an …

: Rest in peace, Justice Ginsburg. Oh no.

: I released Unread 2.3. This update adds home screen widgets on devices running iOS 14.

: Perfect episode title from Upgrade: Why Tomorrow?

: Pending Apple Release.

: CocoaHeads Boston will meet online tomorrow evening. I have a presentation for the group on iOS 14 …

: I just merged a pull request with over two months of work. Bring on iOS 14.

: USA Today: To stop Trump, we need to vote in person, even if you have to crawl through broken glass

: I enjoyed working at the polls yesterday. I will do so again on November 3. I highly recommend it to …

: We have a primary here in Massachusetts tomorrow. I will be a poll worker for the first time in one …

: Another App Store Account Almost Terminated Zac Wood: Submitted a minor update for @AtticsApp after nearly two years on the App Store and …

: I find it interesting that Google pays Mozilla, Apple, and other companies to be the default search …

: CNN: Kamala Harris is Joe Biden’s running mate I hoped that Kamala Harris would win the …

: The agenda for this week’s online CocoaHeads Boston meeting includes: Marc Prud’hommeaux …

: Postal Service overhauls leadership as Democrats press for investigation of mail delays – The …

: That feeling when you write code, Xcode tells you it can’t compile that code, but then Xcode …

: Charlie Monroe: Hello everyone, today I woke up to my developer account being suspended without a …

: In the time I have owned my house, I have had three or four different garbage disposals. Most were …

: Three years ago today: Golden Hill Software Acquires Unread

: “If App Stores are so great why is most Mac software sold outside the Mac App Store?” – John Gruber, …

: How did the inside of my iPhone case get so dirty?

: Trump’s Secret Police Force Trump has been undermining our institutions and the rule of law since the start of his 2016 …

: Rest in peace, John Lewis.

: Boston Globe: Federal officers in unmarked vans detain Portland, Ore., protesters We are all …

: I just released Unread 2.2. This update adds a variety of improvements including: Mail Article, …

: The firings of Sally Yates, Preet Bharara, and Jim Comey were compared to the Saturday Night …

: Zev Eisenberg built Half Keyboard as an accessibility feature proof of concept.

: CocoaHeads Boston will meet online this Thursday. New participants are always welcome. Being in the …

: My aging eyes are very happy about the larger text in the left window pane of Xcode 12.

: An Apple News widget responding to text size changes. I am fascinated by how it chooses which …

: Installing 14 on my carry phone.

: I had a great time at the Release Notes Happy Hour.

: Check out LIVE-ish concurrent with WWDC 2020 if you have not already done so.

: Unread had a bug that prevented it from launching on the iOS/iPadOS 14 beta. I just released a fix.

: WidgetKit is impressive, but the lack of scrolling is a big limitation.

: First Impressions of the WWDC Keynote This is a big year for the Mac. I am excited about Apple’s processors. I am leery of the user …

: Good to see Apple starting the keynote by acknowledging important issues: racism, the murder of …

: My WWDC Wish List: ARM Macs iPad multitasking improvements A Snow Leopard year for iOS Big App …

: Barr needs to grapple with the phrase “stepping down”. I am happy to see that Geoffrey Berman will …

: HEY and the App Store When Apple News initially became available and could include content from any RSS feed, I made my …

: Andy Ibanez: Please Help, Apple Is Threatening To Terminate My Apple Developer Account With No Clear …

: For fellow registered voters in Massachusetts: a petition to put ranked choice voting on the ballot.

: There was a good crowd today for the Black Lives Matter protest here in Haverhill, MA. I would guess …

: Before the 2016 election The Boston Globe posted a satirical front page detailing what a Trump …

: I am looking forward to tonight’s online CocoaHeads Boston meeting. New participants are always …

: This episode of 9to5Mac Watch Time with @ishabazz and @apollozac is an informative discussion of …

: What’s the plan now, America? Cedric L. Alexander at CNN: I am a black American man who has been privileged to serve in law …

: Sick to my stomach.

: Last night I went to bed happy that, for the first time this year, it was warm enough to sleep with …

: Thanks to @chuckjoiner for interviewing me about Unread 2 on MacVoices.

: CNN: A 5-year-old boy was pulled over in Utah on his way to California to try to buy a Lamborghini I …

: My “e” key is sticking. On my 16-inch.

: I was interviewed in this week’s Club MacStories newsletter about Unread 2 and my vision for …

: I am going to let the domain names trumpadministration.wtf and trumppresidency.wtf expire on June 1. …

: TIL: Stress dreams can have sequels.

: I released an update to Unread that adds full trackpad and mouse support, new keyboard shortcuts, …

: Last night I participated in an adult spelling bee via Zoom (running from a macOS volume dedicated …

: It looks like I cannot avoid Zoom, so I created a dedicated APFS volume and macOS installation for …

: This is an interesting new Inoreader feature. Convert Almost Any Webpage Into RSS Feed With …

: Hoping that the next iPhone adds Mask ID.

: Thanks to Macworld for reviewing Unread 2.

: Congratulations to Stefan Reitshamer on the release of Arq 6. I have been using Arq to back up my …

: Is it weird that my way of unwinding at the end of the day recently has been to watch Andrew Cuomo’s …

: My smoke detectors did not get the memo that this is not the best time to demand new batteries.

: I ran out of coffee a few days ago. Today I finally have a reason important enough to go into a …

: Watching Back to the Future. In 1985, 1955 looked like a much more innocent time.

: Pete Buttigieg guest-hosted Jimmy Kimmel last night. The monologue is hilarious.

: Tonight we had our Boston CocoaHeads meeting online. I missed the in-person interaction of our …

: In line at grocery store. There is one line snaked all the way to the back of the store. This is far …

: “Because a lot of people depend on the White House getting stuff right.” www.youtube.com/watch

: New CDC guidance says older adults should ‘stay at home as much as possible’ due to …

: I voted.

: Lets Encrypt is revoking some certificates on March 4. You can use an online tool to determine …

: My Primary Vote I vote in the primary tomorrow. I decided to vote for Elizabeth Warren. Since I do not have a …

: Safari Rejecting Long-Lived HTTPS Certificates The most recent episode of ATP has a good discussion regarding browsers rejecting certificates with …

: Joe Biden is projected to win South Carolina. My streak of incorrect predictions regarding US …

: Congratulations to @mattie on the launch of Chime, a Go editor for macOS.

: I shipped Unread 2! Improvements include: Automatic webpage text (Readability) for feeds that …

: This debate is by far the most fiery thus far.

: Interesting post: iOS Performance tips you probably didn’t know

: This episode of Stay Tuned is a fascinating interview of Dan Goldman, the lawyer who led the …

: We have a strong agenda for this evening’s CocoaHeads Boston meeting, with presentations by Marc …

: An episode of Stay Tuned where Preet Bharara (former US Attorney for SDNY) and Anne Milgram (former …

: If I was a gambler I would be losing a lot of money on the Iowa and New Hampshire results. A year …

: Starting in iOS 13.4, SSReadingList.default()?.addItem(...) prompts the user for consent before …

: I don’t see network/cable tv much these days. But I am sitting in a waiting room and have seen ads …

: Next week’s CocoaHeads Boston meeting should be a good one: Marc Prud’hommeaux is going to …

: Thank you, Mitt Romney.

: CNN: Stephen King quits Facebook over concerns of ‘false information’

: Reggy Bear is a clever app by @hyperjeff for testing regular expressions.

: I vividly remember saying shortly after the 2016 election that I was not sure this country in its …

: Rough start to the day. My car is in a repair shop five town away, getting a new alternator and …

: Current status: waiting for tow truck.

: The Washington Post: McConnell tells senators he doesn’t yet have votes to block witnesses in Trump …

: I wonder if a better approach to multitasking on iPad would be to let the user effectively divide …

: I deleted a post from this morning. After hearing the recording referred to in this article, I think …

: Would I be crazy to move to California just so I can vote for Adam Schiff?

: Reuters: Apple dropped plan for encrypting backups after FBI complained - sources via MacRumors

: The Washington Post: Gary Starkweather, inventor of the laser printer, dies at 81

: Magnet is a great window manager for macOS. Magnet lets you move windows to predefined locations via …

: My favorite Catalina feature is the native Find My app. It is convenient for quickly locating my …

: At the Providence Bruins game.

: I had a performance issue that I alleviated by porting some Swift code to Objective-C. That code …

: Fabián Cañas documented some quirky behavior around Swift and Objective-C interoperability related …

: Looking forward to this evening’s CocoaHeads Boston meeting.

: I installed Front and Center. It is too early to tell whether I will find it difficult to go back to …

: We are in a war that any other President would have avoided.

: Relieved to finally fix a nasty bug that hounded me for too long.

: 16-inch Macbook Pro after Almost Two Months I have been using my 16-inch MacBook Pro for almost two months. I wanted to share some thoughts on …

: Donald Trump on November 14, 2011: @BarackObama will attack Iran in the not too distant future …

: Next week’s CocoaHeads Boston meeting will include: Allie Mellen describing threats in mobile …

: I started off the year by reorganizing and tidying my office.

: I probably need a new year’s resolution a little more ambitious than “fix this stupid bug”.

: Now that I have a Mac with USB-C, I wish for a phone with USB-C. One cable could connect my Mac to …

: I am good at thinking of great Christmas present ideas right after the holiday is over.

: Michael Tsai’s blog: Apple News No Longer Supports RSS


: I know someone has me figured out when I get a bag of meat and beer for Christmas. 🎄

: I don’t have a favorite Christmas movie, but I like every Aaron Sorkin Christmas episode of The West …

: Episode 400 of the Core Intuition podcast is fantastic. @danielpunkass and @manton had special guest …

: I had to sign in to pbs.org in order to watch the debate with the PBS Apple TV app.

: ⚖️

: Good turnout for the impeachment rally on this cold and rainy evening.

: A reminder that protests for impeachment are on for tomorrow night. I am going to the event on the …

: This post by @BigZaphod pointed me in the right direction in tracking down some background crashes.

: There will be protests across the country for impeachment Tuesday evening.

: I just submitted a detailed Feedback Assistant report regarding kernel panics on my 16-inch MacBook …

: I called the office of my congresswoman, Lori Trahan, and asked that she vote in favor of the …

: I am not going to reveal it right now, but I have set a deadline for shipping Unread 2.

: CocoaHeads Boston meets tonight.

: Open Links in Safari, Not Safari View Controller I disagree, but the article makes a sound argument.

: This page now has audio from the public impeachment hearings of the House Judiciary Committee that …

: Thought exercise: what if it was the Supreme Court instead of the Senate that would vote on the …

: A particularly good episode of Mac Power Users: Developer Roundtable with @kcase, @dteare, and …

: CocoaHeads Boston will meet this coming Thursday. Fabián Cañas will present Unexpected Behavior with …

: Donald Trump Is a Clear and Present Danger to the 2020 Election – by Anne Milgram, former Attorney …

: Save Democracy. Unfriend Facebook —Renée Graham, Boston Globe

: In-app Purchase Availability for a New App New apps often become available in the App Store a few minutes or hours before their in-app …

: Congratulations to @danielpunkass on the release of Blank Ink 2, a great Mac crossword puzzle app.

: Express Mode and Power Reserve State Ryan Christoffel at MacStories: One particularly interesting detail about Express Mode is that it …

: The first snowstorm of the season is here.

: I strayed from the prompt words, but I wrote at least one micropost each day in November. I hope to …

: The most recent episode of Upgrade has a good conversation about Trump’s press event at the Mac Pro …

: At the Garden for the Bruins game.

: Happy Thanksgiving. 🦃

: I walk five miles almost every day. I have a 59-day streak going. My phone was apparently in a weird …

: I just finished an Unread feature that took about a month of development work.

: My 16-inch MacBook Pro has otherwise been fantastic, but it crashed three times when I was not using …

: With my new 16-inch MacBook Pro it takes 90 seconds to build and archive Unread. With my 2012 it …

: I received my 16-inch MacBook Pro today. It is a very nice and fast machine. I will post a build …

: Sorry to see the Independence podcast come to an end. Thanks for the great show.

: If I was running for President, my campaign promise would be the return of slow news days.

: I am looking for a podcast feed with recordings of the public impeachment hearings.

: TIL: While he was President, Gerald Ford personally testified before Congress to defend his pardon …

: My dream Apple product is an “iMac without the computer” for docking a MacBook Pro. You would …

: No spoilers here, but this week’s The Morning Show ended in a way that left me more surprised and …

: Impeachment Hearing Audio Files This might interest you if you are looking for an easy way to listen …

: I am temporarily driving a car with CarPlay. Having Apple Maps on the in-dash display is very nice.

: UIViewPreviewProvider is a helper class for displaying UIViews inside the Xcode preview canvas meant …

: Wrapping up a presentation for tonight‘s CocoaHeads Boston meeting.

: I ordered a 16” MacBook Pro. My current computer has served me well for seven years, but I think it …

: Excited for the rumored 16-inch MacBook Pro announcement.

: CocoaHeads Boston will meet this Thursday.

: Attention to detail FTW: Castro servers were briefly down for maintenance earlier today. While they …

: I do not often get interested in new TV shows, but I am hooked on The Morning Show.

: DevCleaner is a Mac app that deletes Xcode files that are no longer needed, such as device support …

: My favorite non-tech podcast right now is CAFE Insider. Preet Bharara (former US Attorney) and Anne …

: Looking forward to tonight‘s NSHappyHour.

: Democrat Beshear is apparent winner in Kentucky governor race over Republican Bevin in blow to …

: I voted.

: RSS.app is a service that generates RSS feeds for web pages that do not have feeds.

: I was, and still am, excited for Sidecar. But it is not supported on either my Mac or my iPad.

: I have stayed on Mojave until now, but I think it is time to upgrade. Installing Catalina.

: About a month ago I removed a bunch of keys from my keyring. I don’t recall what most of those keys …

: A 30-day streak.

: Rest in peace, Elijah Cummings.

: Looking forward to tonight‘s CocoaHeads Boston meeting.

: CNN: Turkey begins military offensive in Syria, days after Trump announced pullback of US troops …

: CocoaHeads Boston will meet this Thursday evening. The agenda includes: • Chris Ladd describing his …

: FB7347486: Scrolling issue with WKWebViews, images when scrollView.clipsToBounds is false

: I deleted my Facebook account. I should have done so years ago. This was the final straw.

: Kamala Harris says Trump’s Twitter account should be suspended –Chandelis Duster, CNN It astounds me …


: FB7328369: Need a way to apply custom colors and fonts to context menus

: The word impeachable connotes that one is looking for a reason to impeach. Impeachment-worthy is …

: Transcript of Trump’s call with Ukrainian president shows him offering U.S. assistance for Biden …

: I called Congresswoman Lori Trahan to push for the immediate impeachment of Trump. Please call your …

: FB7302215: Accessibility: Need a way to increase text size in Xcode source list / left pane

: I released an Unread update with support for dark mode on iOS 13. You select one theme for light …

: We have a solid agenda for tonight‘s CocoaHeads Boston meeting.

: Xcode 11 and iOS 11 This looks important: Please note that apps built with Xcode 11 using named colors may experience …

: Excited for the Apple event.

: CocoaHeads Boston will meet this Thursday. The agenda includes these presentations: How to build an …

: I saw two deer when while out for a walk.

: FB7213631: App switcher snapshots showing web views do not correctly reflect the dark mode/light …

: Looking forward to tonight’s NSHappyHour.

: I just installed the new 13.1 beta (replacing iOS 12.4.1) on my carry iPhone.

: I am feeling relieved and excited to merge a pull request containing a feature I have been working …

: Congratulations to @brentsimmons and team on the release of NetNewsWire 5 for Mac.

: Congratulations to @aleen on the release of her book, App Launch Map. I purchased my copy.

: Ashoka Mukpo on the ACLU blog: A senior corrections officer at the Wyatt Detention Facility in …

: Today’s episode of Core Intuition has a great conversation about the Automattic-Tumblr merger.

: The most recent episode of Pod Save America has a powerful interview with Beto O‘Rourke. It starts …

: CocoaHeads Boston will meet this Thursday. The agenda includes Marc Respass talking about …


: View of Boston from the SwiftFest cruise.

: I hit a big development milestone this morning. I will be at SwiftFest later today, after a mid-day …

: That feeling when you’re a few hours away from finishing a development task for about a week.

: Better to have a few rats than to be one The Baltimore Sun Editorial Board: We would tell the most dishonest man to ever occupy the Oval …

: Finale: Supertop & Friends is a great final episode to the Supertop Podcast.

: I can’t make it tomorrow evening’s CocoaHeads Boston meeting, but it should be a good one. …

: If you have ever installed Zoom on your Mac – even if think you have since deleted it – read this …

: Impressed by the folks at Wayfair who walked out today. Hundreds of Wayfair employees stage walkout; …

: Wayfair workers plan walkout in protest of company‘s bed sales to migrant camps

: Here’s what to do if ICE shows up at your door

: Watching the New Hampshire Fisher Cats.

: I just announced the Business Model and Pricing for Unread 2.

: I may take Marco Arment’s approach to releasing a big new version this summer and dropping support …

: The current shipping version of Unread supports iOS versions 10 through 12. It is quickly becoming …

: Good crowd at the Boston Rally to Impeach Trump.

: I will be at the Boston Rally to Impeach Trump today on the Boston Common at 1:00. There are also …

: Tonight’s CocoaHeads Boston agenda includes: A SwiftUI presentation by Marc Prud’hommeaux A …

: I had a build In Review for over 48 hours, until I Developer Rejected it. Its successor was In …

: In Review for 24 hours. 😰

: This blog post added a few things to my list of WWDC announcements to check out: WWDC 2019 - The …

: I want to release a major upgrade this summer. Struggling with existing functionality that won’t …

: CocoaHeads Boston will meet next Thursday, June 13. The agenda includes a presentation on SwiftUI by …

: I think there is a squirrel living in the walls of my house.

: There will be nationwide rallies for impeachment on Saturday, June 15. The Boston event will be on …

: A “git bisect” kind of day.

: SwiftFest is coming back to Boston. July 29-30.

: Despite my annoyance at the Mac Pro pricing, I am very excited by today’s keynote. Even without the …

: Waiting at a bar inside North Station/Boston Garden for my commuter rail train. It’s getting …

: Honestly, I thought the Mac Pro would start at $5k (without a display) and would have iMac Pro-like …

: Thoughts from today’s announcements: Project Catalyst looks promising. The Mac Pro looks …

: Waiting for the train to Boston for the CocoaHeads keynote viewing party. I feel particularly …

: Waiting for Review. (This is a pre-beta build I submitted in order to get in-app purchases approved, …

: I envy folks spending this week in San Jose, but I am also excited to watch the Keynote and …

: New iPod Touch purchased and configured. Provisioning profiles updated. Ready for iOS 13 beta.

: CocoaHeads Boston will be hosting a viewing party for the WWDC Keynote and Platforms State of the …

: Anne Milgram, a former New Jersey Attorney General, tries to read Rod Rosenstein’s absurd …

: I am debating whether to upgrade my 2012 Retina MacBook Pro. I wish a service existed that allowed …

: Mac Open Web is a new website by @brian. It lists indie Mac, iOS, and web apps that help promote the …

: At McCoy Stadium watching the Pawtucket Red Sox.

: Can “Indie” Social Media Save Us? I am happy both for Micro.blog and for the IndieWeb community at …

: This needs to be signal boosted: Before Trump’s purge at DHS, top officials challenged plan for mass …

: Becky Hansmeyer (@becky): $5 should be the absolute rock bottom price for a quality indie app, full …

: Dan Shaughnessy, The Boston Globe: The White House Thursday morning sent out a scheduled post on …

: An end to my 105-day streak.

: This evening’s CocoaHeads Boston meeting will include talks by Zev Eisenberg, Erik Price, and me.

: I’m claiming executive privilege to prevent the release of a report that exonerates me.

: Congratulations to Zev Eisenberg on shipping Jugglebot. From the App Store description: Type in …

: Radar 50480706: Opening links to iTunes music, videos, podcasts, apps

: Radar 50474232: Cannot create a UIKeyCommand with command-period

: I started 2019 with a significant weight loss goal. Today I reached my target weight. Coincidentally …

: Looking forward to NSHappyHour tonight.

: Robert Mueller’s letter to Barr has been released, and it is damning.

: I just called my Congressional representatives (Lori Trahan, Elizabeth Warren, and Ed Markey) asking …

: Congratulations to Silvio Rizzi on the release of Reeder 4.


: My dilemna for this morning is what to do with seldom (but not never) used preference settings. Keep …

: FYI, a friend of mine is selling a 13-inch 2017 MacBook Air. I can vouch for the seller.

: Democrats’ Impeachment Panic Is Endangering the Country I am torn on this. We desperately need for …

: I got to spend some time earlier this week in the White Mountains.

: This is a first: an accountant told me I was organized.

: Tomorrow evening at CocoaHeads Boston, Ayal Spitz will present “Parsing Sketch Files for Fun and …

: I find it very frustrating to work on a project with an indecisive product owner. Especially when I …

: Looking forward to tonight‘s NSHappyHour.

: Stack Overflow on April 1

: I don’t think “the Office of the Special Counsel did not indict me” is the campaign slogan I would …

: Still a long way to go, but making good progress.

: “Apple likes to brag about how much money they’ve paid to developers, but they leave out how much …

: Excited to read that Beto O’Rourke is running in 2020.

: At tomorrow’s CocoaHeads Boston meeting, Marc Prud’hommeaux will present “Fun with Swift Keypaths”. …

: I am looking for examples of iOS apps that effectively but unobtrusively convey information about …

: A 30-day streak.

: It feels good to declare “finished” with development of a feature that required 8 months of work.

: Pictures from the protest

: At a protest at Harvard Square against the national security declaration.

: There are numerous rapid response protests happening tomorrow in response to the Trump’s national …

: Proud to be from Massachusetts. Former Massachusetts governor Bill Weld says he will challenge …

: Interesting news: the hosted Mercury Parser API is being shut down, but the source code is now …

: I think we have a particularly interesting agenda for next week’s CocoaHeads Boston meeting. Local …

: Tonight’s NSHappyHour is at Bit Bar, a bar with retro video games. I am reminded of the scene in …

: Looking forward to NSHappyHour at Bit Bar tonight.

: As of 2000, the Patriots had never won a Super Bowl. The Red Sox had most recently won a World …

: Let’s do this, Patriots.

: If you missed but want to hear CNN‘s town hall with Kamala Harris, it is available as a podcast …

: Well done, Apple. Apple blocks Facebook from running its internal iOS apps

: Merry Indictment Day.

: The end of a 27-day streak.

: “Checkmate.” – Nancy Pelosi www.cnn.com/2019/01/2…

: I think this page might be a bit out of date. “CNN Video is best viewed using Netscape 4.0 or above …

: Find My iPhone saves the day. I won’t make the mistake of wearing AirPods while taking out the …

: Local iOS and Mac developers, please join us Thursday for CocoaHeads Boston. The agenda includes: …

: Trump inclined to declare national emergency if talks continue to stall – CNN If he does, he should …

: Wishing a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all my Micro.blog friends and RSS followers.

: The Sundar Pichai Hearing Was a Major Missed Opportunity Issie Lapowsky, Wired: Later, Rep. Ted Lieu, also of California, carried all the weight for Pichai …

: CocoaHeads Boston will meet this Thursday. @mitch will present “Adding MDM Configuration Support to …

: I did not think I would like Mojave’s Dark Mode, but after trying it for a few months I find Light …

: A great interview of Barack Obama by David Axelrod.

: Saturday: Call plumber because heat stopped working. Monday: Call plumber because water heater …

: That feeling when you have to call a plumber to fix your gas water heater two days after you had a …

: I enabled cross-posting from Micro.blog to Mastodon.

: I could not make it to this evening’s protests, but I am grateful for everyone who did show up to …

: There will be a nation-wide rapid response protest at 5:00 PM local time today. The Boston event …

: Rapid response protests are happening across the country at 5pm local time Thursday. …

: Well, that (relatively) good feeling didn’t last long. Trump fired Jeff Sessions. According to this …

: I released Unread and Feed Hawk updates to support the 2018 iPad Pro. The Unread update required …

: CNN reports that Stacey Abrams is not conceding yet. It’s a long shot, but the numbers are close and …

: Not a perfect election night, but we got a House of Representatives interested in fulfilling its …

: Happy to see Elizabeth Warren win by a huge margin. She was running against Geoff Diehl, who was …

: NBC News is already calling it for Elizabeth Warren, but the Boston Globe has no results yet.

: Good morning. Let’s do this, America.

: Spending the day reloading fivethirtyeight.com will help, right?

: CocoaHeads Boston will meet this Thursday evening. The agenda includes Stefan Reitshamer discussing …

: Tuesday’s Election Barack Obama: You’ve got to vote. When you vote, you’ve got the power to make it easier to afford …

: It’s a good thing I’m not a gambler. I’d have bet good money against both a new MacBook Air and a …

: Boston 2002, after the Patriots win the Superbowl: announcement that there will be a parade 2 days …

: World Series champions.

: OK Red Sox, let’s do this.

: No score in the fifth inning. Tonight’s game could be another long one. Random trivia: the …

: Early voting FTW.