John Brayton


CocoaHeads Boston is meeting in-person at Cambridge Brewing Company Tuesday evening. New participants are always welcome.


Wisconsin! 🎉 🇺🇸




I know AppKit is showing its age, but it still does a lot really well.

Odd SwiftUI Bug on macOS


This is an odd bug on macOS:

  1. Make the main content view a NavigationSplitView:
struct ContentView: View {
    var body: some View {
        NavigationSplitView {
        } content: {
        } detail: {
  1. Launch the app.

  2. Observe that there is an “Enter Full Screen” menu item in the “View” menu.

  3. Go to the Finder.

  4. Go back to the app. Observe that the “Enter Full Screen” menu item in the “View” menu is gone.

Filed as FB12064842.


Snow day.



Do I know someone who works on Feedburner?


Thursday evening’s Zoom-based CocoaHeads Boston meeting will include a presentation by on the Panorama help system. New participants and participants outside the Boston area are always welcome.


I think it’s a great thing, but I am very surprised to learn that ASWebAuthenticationSession honors the default browser setting on macOS. I would have guessed that it uses Safari regardless.


“I’m too old for this.”

– My furnace.

The furnace is running fine, but we had -12℉ (-24℃) temperatures overnight.


FYI for anyone who uses Feedly – they announced a 6-hour maintenance window starting at 6am PST Saturday.


I released Unread 3.3 with the ability to create an article from a webpage, a Readwise article action, and more.


It’s a snowy day for a walk, but I’m determined to get my five miles (8km) in.


At tonight’s online CocoaHeads Boston meeting I am giving a presentation on using alternate app icons in an iOS app. The focus will be automation around using a large number of icons with the same shapes but different color combinations.

New participants are always welcome.


I wrote a blog post about the past year and the year ahead for Unread.


New year’s resolutions start in a few weeks, right?


Happy New Year!


Made cookies. Ate numerous mistakes.


My power was restored after only about 6 hours. 🎉🎅


Dear Santa, A 36-hour power outage was not on my wish list this year.


Always a good feeling when a complex server deployment operation goes smoothly.


I am excited to see MarsEdit 5 ship. I particularly like its Markdown syntax highlighting and its new microposting feature. Check it out. Congratulations @danielpunkass.

Posted with MarsEdit 5.


🎶 Georgia On My Mind 🎶


What happens if the Georgia Senate race ends in a tie?


At this week’s CocoaHeads Boston meeting will present both ScreenSearch and a huge performance improvement to SPM.

The meeting is this Thursday at 7pm Boston time via Zoom. New folks and folks outside the Boston area are always welcome.