John Brayton


I just finished an Unread feature that took about a month of development work.


My 16-inch MacBook Pro has otherwise been fantastic, but it crashed three times when I was not using it. I am trying to confirm or disprove my hypothesis that this only happens when connected to my external displays.


With my new 16-inch MacBook Pro it takes 90 seconds to build and archive Unread. With my 2012 it takes 169 seconds. A 1.9x performance improvement.


I received my 16-inch MacBook Pro today. It is a very nice and fast machine. I will post a build time comparison tomorrow.


Sorry to see the Independence podcast come to an end. Thanks for the great show.


If I was running for President, my campaign promise would be the return of slow news days.


I am looking for a podcast feed with recordings of the public impeachment hearings.


TIL: While he was President, Gerald Ford personally testified before Congress to defend his pardon of Richard Nixon.


My dream Apple product is an “iMac without the computer” for docking a MacBook Pro. You would connect a MacBook Pro to this product with one cable. This would give the MacBook Pro power, a 27-inch display, and all the ports of an iMac Pro.


No spoilers here, but this week’s The Morning Show ended in a way that left me more surprised and disturbed than I could anticipate.


Impeachment Hearing Audio Files

This might interest you if you are looking for an easy way to listen to the public impeachment hearings – perhaps by sideloading them into a podcast player.


I am temporarily driving a car with CarPlay. Having Apple Maps on the in-dash display is very nice.


UIViewPreviewProvider is a helper class for displaying UIViews inside the Xcode preview canvas meant to display SwiftUI.

Via Zev Eisenberg at last evening’s CocoaHeads Boston meeting.


Wrapping up a presentation for tonight‘s CocoaHeads Boston meeting.


I ordered a 16” MacBook Pro. My current computer has served me well for seven years, but I think it is time for an upgrade.


Excited for the rumored 16-inch MacBook Pro announcement.


CocoaHeads Boston will meet this Thursday.


Attention to detail FTW: Castro servers were briefly down for maintenance earlier today. While they were unavailable, Castro displayed the message below to customers who pulled to refresh.

This is much better than either failing silently or failing with a generic message.


I do not often get interested in new TV shows, but I am hooked on The Morning Show.


DevCleaner is a Mac app that deletes Xcode files that are no longer needed, such as device support files for old versions of iOS. It regularly frees up tens of gigabytes of disk space for me.


My favorite non-tech podcast right now is CAFE Insider. Preet Bharara (former US Attorney) and Anne Milgram (former state Attorney General) analyze high profile legal and political issues, mostly those surrounding White House scandals. It is well worth the $6/month cost.


Looking forward to tonight‘s NSHappyHour.


Democrat Beshear is apparent winner in Kentucky governor race over Republican Bevin in blow to Trump, NBC News projects


I voted. E37CD270-D9CC-4E1D-AD01-20E843F8FF41.jpg

# is a service that generates RSS feeds for web pages that do not have feeds.